Advocacy Council

The Advocacy Council was established (i) to link the Rays of Hope Community with breast cancer researchers to accelerate and focus research ideas that are the highest priorities; (ii) provide communication between the Rays of Hope Community and researchers; (iii) promote research advocacy by reviewing, providing perspective and influencing research proposals.
Mission: To promote research advocacy by reviewing, providing perspective and influencing research proposals and
To link  the ROH Community with the ROH CBCR investigators to accelerate and focus research ideas
Review research ideas to assure relevance
Review patient materials to assure clarity
Assist in devising strategies to encourage research participation in our community
Consider serving as an Advocate/Community Engagement Advisor  on a research grant


  • Adrienne DeSantis
  • Carol O’Leary
  • Kathleen Townsend
  • Susan Dubilo
  • Andrea Kandel
  • Susan Mahoney



Ex officio Members:

Grace Makari-Judson, M.D., Co-Director Rays of Hope Center for Breast Cancer Research, Baystate Medical Center
Joseph Jerry, Ph.D., Co-Director Rays of Hope Center for Breast Cancer Research, Science Director of the Pioneer Valley Life Sciences Institute, Professor, UMass Amherst

Emeritus Members:

  • Mary Gail Cokkinias
  • Gayle Kirkwood
  • Agnes Fleming
  • Beverly Hebert
  • Anna Symington
  • Lucy Giuggio Carvalho
  • Nancy Cokotis
  • Elizabeth Cahn